GMP+ B3 Certification

It is widely recognized that feed safety is a prerequisite for food safety and human health.  To that end, many countries, particularly in the European Union, will only accept grain from certified facilities that can demonstrate their ability to safely and responsibly handle grain.

To respond to that demand, the Port has implemented a GMP+ B3 certified feed safety assurance program in order to demonstrate to customers that the grain shipped from the Port of Johnstown has been properly graded, stored and handled in a way that does not introduce any contaminants to the grain.

The role of animal feed, which grain is a major component, in the production of safe food is recognized worldwide.  Several critical incidents have underlined its impact on public and animal health, feed and food trade, and food security.  The role of animal feed safety on public health and of the importance of risk-based measures to prevent and control hazards is present more than ever.

The Port successfully completed the re-audit process in March of 2022 and continues to be an internationally accredited facility for the handling, storage, and shipping of grain.  The Port's GMP+ B3 certification (GMP050413) will ensure that all local producers continue to have access to international markets for their products.